Sunday, May 15, 2016

Car Raid Preview

1. My subject for my car raid is a friend of my older brother's. 

2. During the weekend. It's the easiest time for both of our schedules to do the car raid.

   What kind of car is this? What model?  
   How old is this car? When did you get it? (Follow-up)
   How did you get this car? (i.e. Was it a gift from your parents? Did you buy it yourself?)
   Where do you drive in this car?
   Why did you put [this] in your car?
   What's the most memorable moment you've had in your car?

4. I'll write down the type and color of the car, and the state of the condition that the car is in. I'll write down the outside condition, like if it's perfectly clean or muddy or scratched or dented, and I'll write down the inside condition, like if it's clean or messy, the type of seats, and the smell of the car. Most importantly to this writing, I'll write down the items within the car. Maybe trash from that person's lunch, or ornaments hanging from the mirror. 

Friday, May 6, 2016

Merger Photo

1. I think the wind could be a problem if there's a strong gust and it's moving the trees or your hair. Another problem could be the timer and getting to the right spot on time. You have to set the timer long enough for you to get to the spot you want to photograph and then get into position and stay still until the photo is taken. 

2. Out in the field by the track. It's a wide open field usually the field is undisturbed, though you'd want to be photographing away from the track to avoid getting someone moving in the background.

3. Cartwheels would be great, but you'd probably need a good shutter speed for that and very good timing. But it'd also be cool to photograph a battlefield. You fighting yourself and other copies of you fighting each other or on the ground.

4. I think what you wear depends on what your doing. For example, if you posed a sort of battle with yourself, then you would need specific props for that. Most of all, you need to wear colors that would show up against your background.

HDR Photo Shoot

Extra: Outside HDR

Thursday, May 5, 2016




These were my two favorite photos out of all the sample photos. 

2. A lot of these images seem like they could have been taken with a professional camera, though admittedly some of them definitely could have been taken with a high-quality photo.

3. If the photographer used an app that might use filters to change the tone and lighting of the photo or apps that they could Photoshop the images, then the quality of the photos may not actually be determined by the quality of the phone but more by the type of apps and editing that they used. 

4. A. Most camera phone settings have options to adjust the aperture, shutter speed, and ISO. Instead of adjusting the brightness, which can distort the image, I can adjust those settings instead when I take a photo.
B. Play with the focus. iPhone cameras can typically focus on one object in the scene instead of the entire scene. This will create depth in the photo.