Friday, May 6, 2016

Merger Photo

1. I think the wind could be a problem if there's a strong gust and it's moving the trees or your hair. Another problem could be the timer and getting to the right spot on time. You have to set the timer long enough for you to get to the spot you want to photograph and then get into position and stay still until the photo is taken. 

2. Out in the field by the track. It's a wide open field usually the field is undisturbed, though you'd want to be photographing away from the track to avoid getting someone moving in the background.

3. Cartwheels would be great, but you'd probably need a good shutter speed for that and very good timing. But it'd also be cool to photograph a battlefield. You fighting yourself and other copies of you fighting each other or on the ground.

4. I think what you wear depends on what your doing. For example, if you posed a sort of battle with yourself, then you would need specific props for that. Most of all, you need to wear colors that would show up against your background.

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