Monday, February 22, 2016

Lone Star Dispatch, Issue #4 (work in progress)

Front Page

Summary:  A new policy in education in Texas requires all students to have an attendance of at least 90% of class days to earn credit for the course, and that all absences must be documented by a doctor note, a parent note or the school. Bowie administrators have developed ways to encourage students to increase their attendance by offering certain privileges for good attendance. These privileges include a designated and decorative parking space, off periods, and exam exemptions. This has earned a mixed reaction from students, who suspect that the motivation behind these offers might be to increase the state revenue that AISD earns for attendance. 

Who: Bowie students and AISD/Bowie administratorsWhat: New attendance policy and attendance privilegesWhere: The state of Texas and Bowie HSWhen: In the recent yearWhy: To increase attendance at schools in AISD/BowieHow: By rewarding students with privileges for having good attendanceWho was quoted in the story: senior Madi Little, junior Mason Kendrick, US History teacher Ruth WidnerWhat quote was the strongest in your opinion: "It is true, I think, that school just isn't for some people but there's definitely a difference in that and just being lazy." - senior Lauryn KendrickDid the lead sentence make you want to keep reading: Yes, because the lead sentence mentioned the strategy that Bowie administrators came up with but didn't specify what they wereWas the conclusion a quote or a statement: The conclusion was a quote: ""I mean, you can ask anybody and I'm sure they'll tell you high school is far from exciting but just showing up can get you far," Mason Kendrick said."

Student Life

Summary: At Bowie High School, the Red Cross Club works to raise awareness about issues going on in the world. The club, sponsored by Erin Kowalik and led by co-presidents Madison Winn and Caleb Newton, has a close connection to the Red Cross stationed in Austin and regularly competes against other local schools to raise fundraisers for causes such as vaccinations in Africa. Many students join the Red Cross Club to make a difference in their community and in the lives of people who need help. 

Who: Red Cross Club
What: The Red Cross Club raises awareness about medical and health issues + other issues
Where:  Room C103
When: No specific date; most fundraisers are weather/disaster orientated
Why: To aid people in need or provide them with necessities
How: By participating in competitions against other local schools to fundraise money for causes like vaccinations in Africa
Who was quoted in the story: junior Madison Winn, junior Caleb Newton
What quote was the strongest in your opinion: "The Red Cross, and more specifically our club, is unique in the fact that it not only makes me feel like i'm actually making a difference in the world, but also that the entire club can make an impact on a person in need's life who we haven't even met...It's impossible to comprehend all of the hardships that people in this world have to go through, but for those of us privileged enough to not have to worry about it on a regular basis should do our best to ensure that everyone can live carefree."
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading: The lead sentence sets a sort of scene, which dragged me into the story because I wanted to see where it was heading.
 Was the conclusion a quote or a statement: A quote (the quote above)


Summary: Recently, Bowie High School hosted its own Science Fair. Judging and awards took place throughout January 13th and January 14th. Many Bowie students participated in the Science Fair at Bowie, but many also volunteered to judge the Science Fair at Mills Elementary. By judging the projects for younger students, the students inspire not only themselves but the younger students to continue being involved in science. This year, in the Bowie Science Fair, Katelyn Dill placed for the grand champion award.

Who: Bowie students + Katelyn Dill
What: Science fair and Science Fair judging
Where: Bowie HS and Mills Elementary
When: January 13th - 14th
Why: For students to get active in science and have the chance to inspire younger students
How: By participating in Science Fair and by judging and critiquing younger students' projects
Who was quoted in the story: Alonna Beatty, Katelyn Dill
What quote was the strongest in your opinion: "If you want to inspire that student, then judging at elementary schools is also a good idea. Just judging can give them the inspiration to grow in not only science but in school and in life."
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading: Not as much as the previous articles. The lead sentence summarized the entire article in one sentence and didn't include a hook. 
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement: The conclusion was a quote


Summary: Kianna Ray is a senior at Bowie high school and the captain for the girls basketball team. Earlier in the year on January 6th, she was named one of the Ronalds McDonalds All American Athlete. Kianna is renowned among her coaches and teammates alike for her athletic ability and talent and for her attitude on the court. She's well liked and looked up to by her teammates, who recognize her ability as a team sport and a leader.

Who: Kianna Ray
What: Basketball star named one of the Ronald McDonalds All American Athlete
Where: Bowie High School
When: January 6th
Why: Dedicated to both school and the girls basketball team
How: By committing herself to tons of effort and dedication
Who was quoted in the story: Kianna Ray, Alyssa Kuykendall
 What quote was the strongest in your opinion: "If I could describe Kianna in one word it would be genuine...No matter how much pressure is put on her, she remains humble and kind. She will do whatever it takes to accomplish her ambitions and goals, all the while staying true to herself."
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading: Not really, but that's mostly because I don't take much of an interest in sports. The lead sentence was ambiguous though and didn't reveal too much, so to find out more about the article, you would have to read the rest of it.
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement: A quote


Summary: The beginning of the spring semester marks early morning practices and costume and performance arrangements for the Silver Star team at Bowie High School. The team is broke up into different divisions of dance, which deal with differing styles. The team works hard and puts hard effort and dedication in order to succeed at competitions against other schools.

Who: Silver Stars
What: The dedication and efforts of the Silver Stars
Where: Bowie HS
When: No specific date, earlier at the beginning of the spring semester
Why: The Silver Stars practice regularly to do well in competitions
How: The Silver Stars put in time and dedication to compete well
Who was quoted in the story: Kendall Franz, Courtney Allison
 What quote was the strongest in your opinion: "It teaches us individuals work ethic because we have to all work hard within ourselves or else the dance won't look good as a whole."
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading: Not so much, because the lead sentence didn't begin with a hook or anything.
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement: A quote


Summary: In the events of the a new attendance policy at Bowie High School, many students have conflicting feelings. Some students favor the new policy and agree that it will be beneficial to the majority of students. The new policy includes a reward system in which students will earn certain privileges like a designated parking, and the policy also makes an exception to students who have been absent due to injury, sickness, or an emergency. However, students who are against the new policy argue that the rewards are not entirely worth it for every student and will not likely be effective. This especially applies to younger students, who can't use privileges like a parking spot or an off period. Students argue that the school needs to consider the consequences of the new policy.

Who: Students at Bowie High School
What: Pros and Cons of new attendance policy
Where: Bowie HS
When: In the recent year (January to present)
Why: This article shows the differing sides and opinions of the new policy
How: The article is split up into two columns, one with pros and one with cons
Who was quoted in the story: No one is quoted in either articles
 What quote was the strongest in your opinion: There were no quotes in the article.
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading:
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement: A statement (on both sides)

Main In-Depth Story (page A4)

Summary: Earlier this year, the Starlight Theatre Company launched a musical production of Tarzan.  The production took the time and effort of all the actors, but it was worth it for both the actors and the audience, who enjoyed the production. The company looks forward to new upgrades and opportunities they may be able to get to in event of their successful production.

Who: Starlight Theatre Company
What: The musical production of Tarzan
Where: Bowie HS Theater
When: Earlier this year in January
Why: The musical was set to preform earlier this year and was a hit with the audience
How: The STC dedicated their time and effort to make the production a success
Who was quoted in the story: Jackson Walker, Austin Hyde, Betsy Cornell
 What quote was the strongest in your opinion: "I couldn't have wished for a better last musical, because it taught me to believe in myself and it'll always have a special place in my heart."
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading: Definitely. The lead sentence hooked the reader by describing what happened, but not revealing the reactions of the actors or the audience.
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement: A quote

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Front Pages of the World

  1. My favorite newspaper front page was the "the guardian", which is published in London and Manchester in the UK. I really like how the newspaper was set up, and I liked that it wasn't filled with ads. I think it's interesting how they previewed some of the stories at the top too and included a picture to go with it. Somehow it made it more interesting.
  2. Although the design of the newspaper was appealing, the front cover stories were mostly about politics, which I don't find particularly interesting. The most interesting headline on the front cover was at the top, and was titled "Farewell to the Independent: 'A lovely sort of chaos'". What is "the Independent"? Why is it a "lovely sort of chaos"? The vagueness of that headline intrigues me.
  3. There are 3 stories on the front cover of "the guardian".
  4. The newspapers I've seen, including "the guardian", have a similar setup with the newspaper's name at the top (or near the top), and then one big or main photo, alongside 3 or 4 smaller photos that pair with their own individual stories. The stories themselves run either across the paper horizontally or down the paper vertically. The stories that run horizontally are usually made up of 3-4 short columns, while the ones running vertically are made up of 1 column. Another thing I've noticed in many newspapers is that they enlarge the first word or letter in the story. Most newspapers seem to use a similar, if not the same, font. 
  5. Some newspapers do not have a main photo and instead have many photos. Some newspaper front covers also do not just cover 2 or 3 stories, and cover 5 or more stories, though they only include a single column of the story instead. Newspapers all use different colors accordingly to their title, which itself has a unique style (in most cases).