Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Front Pages of the World

  1. My favorite newspaper front page was the "the guardian", which is published in London and Manchester in the UK. I really like how the newspaper was set up, and I liked that it wasn't filled with ads. I think it's interesting how they previewed some of the stories at the top too and included a picture to go with it. Somehow it made it more interesting.
  2. Although the design of the newspaper was appealing, the front cover stories were mostly about politics, which I don't find particularly interesting. The most interesting headline on the front cover was at the top, and was titled "Farewell to the Independent: 'A lovely sort of chaos'". What is "the Independent"? Why is it a "lovely sort of chaos"? The vagueness of that headline intrigues me.
  3. There are 3 stories on the front cover of "the guardian".
  4. The newspapers I've seen, including "the guardian", have a similar setup with the newspaper's name at the top (or near the top), and then one big or main photo, alongside 3 or 4 smaller photos that pair with their own individual stories. The stories themselves run either across the paper horizontally or down the paper vertically. The stories that run horizontally are usually made up of 3-4 short columns, while the ones running vertically are made up of 1 column. Another thing I've noticed in many newspapers is that they enlarge the first word or letter in the story. Most newspapers seem to use a similar, if not the same, font. 
  5. Some newspapers do not have a main photo and instead have many photos. Some newspaper front covers also do not just cover 2 or 3 stories, and cover 5 or more stories, though they only include a single column of the story instead. Newspapers all use different colors accordingly to their title, which itself has a unique style (in most cases).

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