Thursday, October 8, 2015

Academic-Post Shoot Reflection + Critique

Academic Shoot

In this photo, I used rule of thirds by centering the subject to the right. The subject of my photo is  young artist working on his art project in an art class. This subject is clearly shown in the picture because enough background details are given to let the viewer infer that the setting is in an art class and that there are students working on their art projects.

This photo uses the rule of simplicity, because there is nothing in the background to grab the attention away from the subject. The subject itself is a young photographer taking a photo of a subject we cannot see. Despite the lack of background to tell the viewer what's going on in the room, the subject in the photo is made clear because there is nothing else going on in the photo to create confusion about the subject.

The rules used in this photo are rule of thirds and balance. The subject is placed to the bottom right corner and the background creates balance in the photo. The subject in the photo is a guy holding out a music sheet in front of him. With the blurred background, the subject is easy to identify, but the context of the photo is not very clear. To make the context of the photo clear, I could have included details that clearly say what kind of class this is.

The rule I used in this photo is balance. The subject is the teacher, who has his hand up in the air to conduct the students. The subject in the photo is not very clear because behind the teacher, there is a lot of activity going on that draws away the spotlight.  To make my subject more clear, I could have moved to a different spot to snap the photo in order to capture the teacher at a different angle where there were not students in the background. 

The rule I used in this photo is balance. The subjects are the teacher and the student and their interaction. The subject in the photo is clear because there is not much going on in the background that may draw the viewer's attention away. 

Academic Shoot Reflection + Critique

1. The challenge I ran into most was finding a class where there was some excitement going on. Many of the classes I considered with my group were giving lectures or just overall inactive. Another challenge I ran into was not being able to go to all the classes I had wanted to shoot photos of. 

2. I thought a lot about focus and how I was holding the camera and at what angle I was shooting at. I would put myself in a position where I could capture what was going on in the classroom at a particular angle. Sometimes I'd make myself lower than the subject so that the angle would be looking up at them. Sometimes I would make myself higher and angle the camera down to be looking down at them and what they were doing.

3. If I could do the assignment again, I would mess a little more with the aperture, shutter speed, and ISO in order to change the lighting. I would change the focus of my photos too since a lot of them came out blurry. 


  1. i think your pictures are so interesting! i especially like the choir one. nice job.

  2. hey aurora! i really enjoy your photos, they have a lot of stopped motion and color. if anything had to be changed, it'd be the focus on the subjects. nice job!

  3. I Like the angles you took all of these photos at! I especially like the angle of the picture of the girl's choir. Good job!

  4. I really like the choir photo nice job!!! It was a dramatic vibe that i love
