Friday, October 16, 2015

Mural Project Q&A + Great Black and White Photographers (Part 3)

Mural Project Q&A

1. The theme should be something that embraces Bowie's individuality and uniqueness. It should be something that will put Bowie apart from any other high school in the district.

2. Phone cameras are preferable and if someone does not have a phone camera, they could coordinate with someone who does have a phone camera to borrow their phone to get their photos. We should keep using the regular cameras to a minimum for this.

3. I would want to place the mural somewhere at the front of the school where it can be displayed for everyone to see. Around the front entrance so that students can walk up to school and the mural will be the first thing they see.

Great Black &White Photographers (Part 3)

My chosen photographer was Lothar Woleh.

1. What caught my eye about his photos is that they stood out in the sense that they gave off a mysterious and almost eerie feeling. His photos usually feature a man standing nearly in the center of the photo, looking straight at the camera, in a mysterious setting (a spiraling staircase, a cathedral clouded by fog, sunlit steps, ect.) His photos were all in a different setting but a single man being present in the frame was a recurring pattern that I thought was really cool because it gave off a creepy vibe - like it was the same man appearing in each photo.

2. To answer this question, I have chosen the last two photos above (of the man standing amidst the fog in front of a cathedral and of the man sitting on a sunlit staircase).

(First picture) I see a large courtyard out in front of me, and there is white, thick fog clouding the world beyond it. Then suddenly it wisps away to reveal a mysterious man dressed in dark clothes. Further behind him, I see a cathedral rising from the mist, unveiling its majestic structure. I smell rain and a layer of musk underneath its freshness. The air is heavy and muggy, but slowly it unveils the acidic smell of asphalt from the street beyond the courtyard and the smell of exhaust fumes coming from the cars. I hear murmur of people passing by, and the distant rumble of cars on the street, but their sounds are muffled by the heavy fog. I hear the tolling of a bell from the cathedral - loud and booming and cutting through the blanket of mist. I taste rain on the tip of my tongue - cool and refreshing. I can taste the strong smell coming from the wet ground - earthy and moist. I feel cool raindrops rolling across my skin, and a chillness in the air. I feel dread on my shoulders and a shiver slipping down my spine. 

(Second picture) I see the secluded hallway of an old and rundown subway. I see dirt on the chipped walls and dust settling in the air. At the end of the subway, I see a staircase, lit by sunbeams coming from the top and falling in geometric perfectness. I see a man sitting in the center, casting a great shadow on the ground. I smell the musk of exhaust from the subway carts and a spurt of stale cement, worn down over the years. I smell the sour scent of sweat and dirt and mug collecting over the years. . I smell metal from the rails. I hear air rushing from the staircase, and the quiet echo of people from above. I hear a distant subway bellow in greeting as it nears a neighboring station. But where I am, it is only a muffled mumble, and it is only me , the quiet beat of my heart, and the  mysterious man. I taste the heavy smell of musk and exhaust. I taste salt and undercoat of salt and grime in the air. I feel the brush of a breeze coming from the empty tunnel behind me. I feel grit on the bottom of my shoes, and a thick layer of dust settling on my shoulders. I feel the heavy weight of dread in my chest and my heart in my chest.

3. I would like to use posters to show the world my photographer and his work because posters can be put up on walls and doors and windows to display them and can be exhibited in a creative and artistic way while still spreading a message to the viewers. 

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