Sunday, November 1, 2015

Rules of Photography Part 2

The theme: Flowers

Rule of Thirds - Where the frame is dived in 9 sections (3 up and down and 3 left to right) and the subject is placed somewhere in the outer sections.

Balancing Elements - Balancing the photo in the picture by placing another subject of lesser importance.

Leading Lines - The viewer's attention is caught by appealing lines that lead to the subject of the photo.

Symmetry and Patterns - Using symmetry or patterns in the picture to catch the viewer's eye.

Viewpoint - From where the photo is shot (above, below, ground level, at the side, from the back, ect.)

Background - Placing the subject against a simple background so that the viewer's attention is not misled.

Create depth - Placing the subject (or subjects) in a foreground, middle ground, and background to create depth.

Framing - Placing natural frames around the subject to isolate it from the rest of the background.

Cropping - Cropping a subject in order to mute out the background and bring the viewer's full attention.

Mergers and Avoiding Them - Merger is when a subject interacts with another subject in the photo. This can be good or bad.

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