Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Prompt shoot peer review

Prompt Shoot #3 Peer Review

1. Which photo do you like best? Why?
I like the third photo, which was for "The End" prompt, the best out of the four pictures because it looks like a well taken photo. The contrast of the words on the paper is enhances by the black and white colors, and the words 'The End' are more focused than the rest of the words to bring the attention to that. I'm a little curious as to what book they had taken a photo of, since you can't tell much by the little words that aren't blurred. Overall, it looks like a cool photo. 

2. Which is your least favorite image? Why?
My least favorite image is the last photo for the "Yummy" prompt. It fits the prompt nicely but the image itself isn't very creative. Plus, it breaks the "Black and White" theme that all the photos had been going with so far. 

3. Overall, make two positive statements about their pictures.
The consistent theme of black and white photos (excluding the fourth one) is nice and makes the photos more interesting. I like how a lot of these photos were also closeups that gradually blurred out. 

4. Overall, what is one area that this person could improve upon in your opinion.
Maybe working on more photos that aren't closeups? All the photos were closeups of the subject in front of a blurry background. There could've been more photos that weren't like that.

5. Which prompt do you think they did the best portraying, from your perspective?
"The End" prompt was portrayed the best. The other three prompts could fit other prompts and be more misleading as to which prompt they were paired to, but "The End" photo was spot on.

6. Which prompt do you think they did the least successfully portray, from your perspective?
The "Eight" prompt. While the photo does have the number 8 in it, someone who didn't know what the prompt was might've thought the photo was focusing on the entire number instead of just the 8.

1 comment:

  1. I liked all of your pictures. I would probably zoom out a little more on some of your photos but overall, they're all really good.
