Tuesday, January 5, 2016

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Top 3 Photos of 2015

This photo looked absolutely compelling and alluring. The red-orange dunes and cream-colored ground contrast intensely against the deep indigo night sky. Photos of the stars and of galaxies have also taken my interest, and this starry photo, put together with the desolate orange desert, just adds to the beauty of the night sky. It's amazing how the dunes and the trees can come out so clear and bright despite the fact that it's obvious that it's beginning to get dark.

This photo of a rare total eclipse in Norway is intense and eye-catching, and probably wasn't even edited to be in black and white. The photo looks almost like a black hole, a black spot surrounded by a halo of light. This event also holds a personal experience of mine in which I was able to view the total eclipse, having been visiting Europe at the time of the eclipse. 

This photo holds both breath-taking beauty and emotion. In the event of the Paris terrorist shootings, parisians gathered at a cafe where one of the shootings took place. Flowers and candles were set in front of the cafe to mourn and honor the lives that were lost in the shootings. This photo is both beautiful as the flowers and candles contrast against the dark mass of the crowd, but also holds importance of one of the biggest tragedies that took place in 2015.

Best Song of 2015

I chose "Hello" by Adele as my top song of 2015. Not only are the lyrics emotional and easy to sing (except for those long notes), but they hold a deep and intense meaning to them as well. The song itself is beautifully sung, and the music video was just as beautifully constructed to perfectly fit the song. Adele has been one of my favorite artists for a long time, and she continues to be a favorite still.

Best Movie of 2015

Anyone who knows me knows that this was going to be my choice. When I first heard about the movie, I could not shut up about it, had reservations to go see it at the Alamo 3 months before the movie was actually out (I assure you though, there are people who probably got tickets the day after the trailer was released). Star Wars has been a memorable series in my family especially in my dad and I. It was amazing to see the compelling story of Star Wars brought back to life, and even better with returning and new characters. Though I won't spoil anything about the movie's plot line, it has definitely been among one of my favorite Star Wars movies.

Most Important Stories of 2015

I could not pick just one for this topic, and instead I chose three. The most memorable news stories of 2015 have been the legalization of gay marriage, the Syrian refugee crisis, and the Paris terrorist attacks. These three events are not just memorable in 2015, but will continue to be memorable later on in the future for having made history. This three events were possibly among the most emotional events of 2015 - some concerning love and others loss.

Most Important Person of 2015

The most important person of 2015 does not have to be someone who has done good, but they must be a person who led to great change. That is why I have chosen Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS, as the most important person of 2015. He has inspired many to follow his organization's example, and as a result, he has caused great loss, sorrow, and mourning in the world. He has caused violence to erupt among peaceful citizens, such as in the Paris Terrorist attacks, the war in Syria, and many other bombings in middle eastern towns. Not only that, but his influence has even caused violence to erupt in the US, as the case in the San Bernardino shootings. Because of this, he is the most important person of 2015, because the organization he leads and the people he has inspired to do harm have wounded the world, and that cannot be forgotten.

My Holiday

Most memorable event of Winter Break: I got a new mountain bike for Christmas and over the holidays, me and my family drove to Canyon of the Eagles, a national park by Marble Falls. My dad and I biked nearly all day around the bike and when it was getting dark, we went out to an open field with my mom and my brother and got to go stargazing. It's been a while since I saw so many stars.

My resolution for 2016: I'm going to try to take this year slow and not get too stressed out like I did last semester. I also want to try to save more money, so I'm going to save at least 5 dollars every week.

What I'm looking forward to in 2016:The end of the school year.

Well, okay, not just that. There are a lot of things coming up in my life this year, and depending on which choice I make, my life could turn out very different. It's unnerving and exciting at the same time.

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