Thursday, March 31, 2016

Interview: Student of the Month (My First Interview)

20 Questions

1. How do you feel about being chosen for Student of the Month?
2. What after school activities are you involved in?
3. If any, what sports are you involved in?
4. What are your favorite hobbies/past times outside of school?
5. What clubs or organizations are you a part of?
6. What got you interested in (sport, club, organization, activity)?
7. What's your role in (sport, club, organization, activity)?
8. What are some memorable moments you've had at school?
9. What job do you have outside of school?
10. If you don't have a job already, what job would you pursue during high school?
11. What are your plans after high school?
12. How do you contribute to your community?
13. Do you do any tutoring or would you consider tutoring someone?
14. Who has inspired you? Who is your role-model?
15. What has inspired you to do well in school?
16. On a basic average, how are your grades in school?
17. What are your best classes?
18. What's one accomplishment in school that you're proud of?
19. Do you see yourself as a leader or a follower and why?
20. Do you have any advice to give to students who are struggling in school?


The interviewee: Rami Altai

What's your full name?: Rami Altai
How old are you?: 14
What grade are you in?: 9th grade
Why do you think that you were chosen for Student of the Month?: "I was chosen because I have such amazing skills, obviously."


1. How do you feel about being chosen for Student of the Month?
"I feel great. I feel more proud of myself to keep working hard."

2. What after school activities are you involved in?
"I hang out with my friends a lot. I also go the the Game Design Club occasionally."

3. If any, what sports are you involved in?
"I play on the Bowie tennis team, but if I had the chance, I would like to pursue swimming and soccer as well." 

4. What are your favorite hobbies/past times outside of school?
"My favorite hobbies are playing video games and reading books. Well, not really playing video games. But I like reading books."

5. What clubs or organizations are you a part of?
"The Game Design Club."

6. What got you interested in (sport, club, organization, activity)?
(for Tennis) "The feel of the sport, [tennis], is great."

7. What's your role in (sport, club, organization, activity)?
(for the the Game Design Club) "I'm a programmer. I try to do the best as I can as one of the club's programmers."

8. What are some memorable moments you've had at school?
"My most memorable moment at school was breaking the world record for being the best at everything." (Comment: This is obviously definitely most certainly the reason he was chosen for Student of the Month.)

9. What job do you have outside of school?
"I don't have a job."

10. If you don't have a job already, what job would you pursue during high school?
"I would like to be a programmer. I don't have any idea where I would become a programmer though."

11. What are your plans after high school?
"I want get a college education, preferably at UT. [To be a programmer]."

12. How do you contribute to your community?
"I do some volunteer work, but not as often as I should be. I also contribute to the community with my great presence."

(Question added during the interview): What kind of volunteer work do you do?
"I volunteer with Keep Austin Beautiful. Basically I pick up trash from the streets." 

13. Do you do any tutoring or would you consider tutoring someone?
"I don't do any tutoring, but I would consider tutoring someone who needed help."

14. Who has inspired you? Who's your role model?
"No one really inspires me except for myself. I look to my dad as a role-model though. He knows a lot about useful things and how to fix things."

15. What has inspired you to do well in school?
"I'm more forced to do well in school. I guess my motivation is my income at school and the expectations my parents have of me."

16. On a basic average, how are your grades in school?
"Mostly A's and B's. I make mid-A's and high B's."

17. What are your best classes?
"Math and Science are my best classes [grade-wise]...They're also my favorite classes."

18. What's one accomplishment in school that you're proud of?
"The accomplishment that I'm most proud of in school is saving the school from a fire." 

19. Do you see yourself as a leader or a follower and why?
"I see myself more as a follower because I get too shy...Even if I did save the school."

20. Do you have any advice to give to students who are struggling in school?
"Study, stop watching youtube, and don't procrastinate."

(Question added during the interview): Do you have any final comments before the interview ends?
"I think I'm gonna be the student of the month for the next 12 years."

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