Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Interview: School Uniforms

My sources: The school's principal, the school's staff members (teachers), and the school's students.

20 Questions

1. Why do you think that the uniform policy was put into place?

2. How will staff members (teachers) react to this policy?
3. How will students react to this policy?
4. How will uniforms be distributed?
5. How will uniforms affect students who come from low-income families?
6. Do you think that the district should offer financial aid to students who can't afford the uniforms and why?
7. Do you think that the school should offer financial aid to students who can't afford the uniforms and why?
8. How might the district's income be affected by the uniform policy?
9. How might the school's income be affected by the uniform policy?
10. Should students be allowed to decide how the uniforms look?
11. Should schools require students to wear the uniform outside of school at school-related events? (ex. games, fairs, fundraisers, bake sales, ect.)
12. How will requiring uniforms impact the school?
13. Do you think a school's performance is affected by a uniform policy?
14. Have schools who require uniforms been successful in the past?
15. How would required uniforms increase a school's performance?
16. How would required uniforms decrease a school's performance?
17. How will schools benefit from required uniforms?
18. How will uniforms negatively affect schools?
19. What are your final thoughts on the uniform policy?
20. Are you pro-uniform or anti-uniform?

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