Thursday, September 24, 2015

Academic Shoot Preview

The One With the Best Story

The three subjects in the photo (the two students and the teacher) clearly share a close or familiar relationship. Both students look to be seniors, though that's up to speculation. The story in this photo is that of two students who are graduating, who are sharing one last picture with their favorite teacher or a teacher they've known for a while. 

 The One With the Most Emotion

 There's a lot of visual activity presented in this photo. Two girls are preforming a water experiment which has resulted in a strong chemical reaction. Foam flies everywhere, splattering the two girls. The girls look on with ecstatic shock and amazement that shows clearly on their faces. 

The One That Fills the Frame

The frame of this photo is full of people as they crowd around a table.  In the middle of the table, they   watch on as dry ice smokes in the middle of the table. The picture does not leave on any activity out. The frame is completely full but still manages to capture the subject in the photo without having any distractions.

Academics and Community Service Photo

My chosen picture is titled "Political Secrets" and was taken by Allison Fahrni at Texas High School, Texarkana, TX. In the picture, a woman leans over to whisper something into the ear of an elderly man, and in the background a blurred American flag watches in tranquility. 
I chose this picture because I though it was interesting and suspenseful. What's the story behind this photo? What is she telling the man?
The rules of photography in this photo are Rule of Thirds and Simplicity. The two subjects of the photo are centered off to the right in the middle-corner. Behind them, the background is black and lacks any activity. Even the flag is blurred in order not to grab the full attention from the subjects.

Classroom and School Campus

Photos like the ones I previewed are taken at school (in classrooms and around the campus) or at school events. When I take my own photos for my shoot, I will have to explore various classrooms around the school. For my shoot, I will like to take my photos in areas where there's a lot going on, like in the Gym, the JROTC Room, the Art Room, and in Science classrooms where a lab is being done. As the photographer, I will incorporate the rules of photography and other elements into my photos to capture the best photo possible.

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