Friday, September 18, 2015

Great Black and White Photographers, PART 2

Lothar Wolleh

This photo was titled "Guard" and was taken by Lothar Wolleh in Stockholm, 1965.

Lothar Wolleh was born on January 20, 1930 in Berlin, Germany and grew up dab in the middle of the reign of Nazi Germany. In his early adult years, he spent 6 years at a Soviet prison camp before being pardoned and released. Afterwards he sought out an education at a photography school in Berlin and from then on pursued a career in commercial photography. It wasn't until he was inspired by a colleague to drop commercial photography and shift his focus to capturing famous artists and photographers beside their work. Many of the artists he photographed include Gerhard Richter and Rene Magritte. He never published any books, and unfortunately his life came to a sudden end on September 18, 1979 in London, United Kingdom.

These are photos taken by Lothar Wolleh

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