Friday, April 8, 2016

News Values

News Values

Article 1: "NASA is Facing a Climate Change Countdown" - Prominence

This article fits the value because NASA is a national space exploration agency that works with other international countries. Because of the agency's importance and involvement in the world and in many grand scientific feats, anything having to do with NASA is newsworthy.

"KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, Fla. — The concrete block perches absurdly atop a piling, elevated about 10 feet above the beach sand. Is it art? A bulky milepost?"

Article 2: "'American Idol' crowns final winner" - Timeliness

American Idol named it's final winner and ended the long-running series on Thursday, yesterday, although the article was published today. While other articles that feature news may be covering events that happened some days ago, this article covered an event that happened the day before.

"(CNN)"American Idol" ended its run Thursday night with a win that left even the judges surprised."

Article 3: "UT officials confirm woman was found dead in Waller Creek" - Proximity

The article was published by Austin American Statesman, and the subject of the article - the discovery of the body of a young woman - happened only 1.3 miles away on Waller Creek (yes I looked that up).  Because of the closeness of both locations, this article fits the value paired with it. 

"5:20 p.m. update: University of Texas officials confirmed they found the body of a woman in Waller Creek on the university campus Tuesday morning, but did not release her identity pending notification to next of kin."

The article centers around the story of Mallory Weggemann, a 2012 Paralympic Gold and Bronze medalist and a 15-time world record holder, and her struggle with gaining a physical disability when she was 18. She describes how her physical disability changed how she saw people around her and how she saw herself, and she describes how she turned her disability into something empowering and strong.

"Disability. It is an interesting word and one that many of us feel we cannot relate to. For nearly 19 years of my life, I was never classified as someone with a disability, until one day, in literally a split second everything I knew changed and I was now classified as an individual with a physical disability."

Article 5: "ISIS Reportedly Carries Out Mass Kidnapping of Factory Workers in Syria" - Conflict

The conflict in this article is between ISIS members, who kidnapped more than 100 factory workers, and the Syrian government, who is working to rescue those workers from ISIS' clutches, days after a skirmish between ISIS militants and government forces. This is a physical conflict between the two forces rather than an emotional or philosophical conflict.

"ISIS has conducted a mass kidnapping of industrial workers near Syria's capital, Damascus, according to Syrian state media and an independent rights group."

Article 6: "US election - Bernie Sanders invited to Vatican by Pope" - Impact

The article concerns Bernie Sanders and the Pope, two very influential people for thousands of people. The conference will no doubt attract the attention of man people, and may even gain Bernie Sanders more supporters, which will have an impact on the national election.

Mr Sanders, who is Jewish, accepted an invitation to Rome for a conference at the end of next week.

Article 7: "Rise of the crocodiles: Fence-climbing reptile shows they're ready to take over" - Novelty

I think the caption is what makes this article slightly insane. The subject of the article and the title are both strange and weird, and that would catch anyone's interest. Crocodiles climbing fences isn't something you see everyday.

"One particular croc managed to scale a 4ft fence, before gracefully (sort of) diving down into a lake."

The Caption: We salute our new crocodile overlords.

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