Monday, April 18, 2016

SNO Online Papers

The Eagle's Tale - "Love without borders"

1. Avery Cummings, the Co-Editor-in-Chief, wrote the article.

2. Cummings' story is about her personal experience in an interracial relationship and her dismay at her family, friends, and peers who do not completely accept her relationship with her Mexican-born hispanic partner. She also expresses how her relationship with her partner and his family opened her up to other cultures.

3. "However, instead of staring with a gaping mouth or rude eyes, at least smile. It can be disheartening to be stared at in public all the time due mainly to a difference in skin color. We are all human, regardless of skin color."

"I have a found a much more satisfying world in one entirely different than my own. One where I learn new things every day, and one where I teach my own culture every day. It is through this new world that I was able to understand and no longer fear other cultures."

4. Yes. She addresses the reactions of her family members and friends acknowledges their concerns.

5. Cummings notes that the reactions her family and friends had might've been different if her partner had been American-born, but she's firm about her disapproval of their non-acceptance.

6. She quotes a reaction that her family and friends had to her relationship.

7. Cummings wrote in first person.

Coppell Student Media - "Why Coppell citizens should care about the water crisis in Michigan"

1. The article was written by Staff Writer, Jasmine Sun.

2. Sun's addresses the water crisis in Flint, Michigan and explains why Coppell citizens, despite living far from the incident and being unaffected by it, should care about it. She emphasizes her point that people should care even if they are unaffected because indifference and inaction can have dire consequences.

3. "But you may be wondering, why should I care? I live on the other side of the country. Lead in the water doesn’t affect me. . .And that is the exact problem. Because people do not care unless they are personally affected, water crises like these can continue to happen, all around the country and globe. . . People should be at least aware of the potential problems that water can have and how local government officials can address those problems."

4. Sun acknowledges reasons why people wouldn't care about faraway incidents, listing that it's because they are being unaffected by the incident. 

5. No, she's very firm in her article.

6. Yes. Sun quotes students and teachers from Coppell High School.

7. She wrote in third person.

The Mustang Messenger - "College: Make it Accessible to All"

1. The article is written by Shajid Hasan.

2. Hansan's article is about the rising tuition for colleges and universities. He states that college education has become increasingly significant for many Americans to pursue a successful career, however only students and their families that can survive the financial strain of college tuition are able to pursue a college education. Hansan argues that college should be made available to everyone and that the US should provide free college education.

3. "So, the United States lags behind a bit more. We decide that we’re not going to innovate and become better. We want to stay with Cold War-era politics in which “We The Best” is the motto. We’re limiting ourselves with just keeping our old values. We have to change our society for the better. So for the benefit of our nation we know what to do. To make sure we won’t be outsourced we have to have a strong industrious nation. We need to get rid of our increasing income gap. We need to adopt the practice of free college. Because if we don’t, “we” will no longer be relevant."

4. No, the writer does not address the other side of the argument. 

5. Yes, he's very firm about his opinion on the topic.

6. Hasan does not include direct quotes but cites statistics relating to his argument.

7. He writes mostly in third person (the writer avoids the usage of "I" "me", and "my") but later in the article, he uses first person ("In my opinion. . .")

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