Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Student of the Month Story

Who - Rami Altai
What - He was chosen for Student of the Month
When - March 30, 2016
Where - Bowie High School
Why - He was chosen for Student of the Month because he had good grades and contributed to the school and his community
How - He worked hard for do his best in school

Original: [Freshman] Rami Altai was selected for Student of the Month for March 2016. The Student of the Month is carefully chosen by the Student Council who choose their candidates based on the candidate's grades and their contribution and activity in the school and in the community. Being chosen for Student of the Month is an honor and former Student of the Month's often include it in applications for scholarships and college admissions. Along with the nomination, those who are chosen to be Student of the Month are pulled for an in-depth interview.

Edit: On March 30th, freshman Rami Altai was selected as Student of the Month for March 2016 at Bowie High School. Candidates for Student of the Month are chosen by the Student Council, but the student body chooses the lucky winner. Winners for Student of the Month are often chosen for their outstanding grades and their contribution and involvement in the school and in the community.

Final Story

Although anyone has the potential to be Student of the Month, the task is not an easy feat. However, those who are chosen as Student of the Month have future access to higher honors and achievements that they can include in resumes for scholarships and colleges. On March 30th, freshman Rami Altai was selected to be Student of the Month for March 2016 at Bowie High School for having remarkable grades and his involvement at Bowie High School and in his local community.

The Student Council chooses candidates for Student of the Month. The Council reviews the candidate's academic grades, their activities at school, and their activities outside of school in order to determine the lucky winner.

"It's a long and hard process," said Student Council member Toni Alvarado, a senior and longtime member of the Student Council, "We have to look at what the candidate has done for the school and for the community, and sometimes it's difficult to choose between two students."

While most of the choosing procedure depends on the candidate's activities and involvement in and outside of school, grades also play an important part in the process. That being said, grades aren't everything when it comes to choosing.

"We want a student who has good grades or who is at least making an effort to get good grades because then they can stand as a role model for other students who need motivation to do better grade-wise," Alvarado explained, "But that doesn't meant that a student with high grades will be chosen. There needs to be a balance between grades and after-school activities."

The school's administration often checks in with the Student Council to make sure that the choosing procedure is being carried out correctly, but otherwise everything is left completely to the students.

"Once in a while, a teacher or administration member will pop in and ask us how far along we are, but they never try to add in any input. It's completely up to us, and we're grateful for the amount of independence that they let us have in the decision," Alvarado said.

Along with being given the title of Student of the Month, students who are chosen for the honor often receive recognition from their peers and their classmates.

"I remember when I was chosen," recalled Becca Glory, the former Student of the Month in February this year, "A lot of my friends and my teachers came up to me and congratulated me for being chosen. Whenever I introduced myself to new people, a few of them would recognize my name."

Apart from having high grades, Becca had been chosen as Student of the Month for her volunteer work and contribution at the Star of Texas Veterinary Hospital and her dedication to the Future Farmers of America (FFA) Organization at Bowie.

"I spent a lot of time at the veterinary offices where my aunt worked. I had always been interested in animals, and so I dedicated my time to helping out as much as I could at the veterinary hospital and participating in FFA meetings," sad Glory.

The Student of the Month for this month, Rami Altai, says that he was most likely chosen for his involvement at the school and his contribution to his community.

"I go to the Game Design Club occasionally after-school...I play on the Bowie tennis team...I do some volunteer work...I volunteer with Keep Austin Beautiful. I pick up trash from the streets," Altai explained.

The future holds many opportunities for those who are chosen as Student of the Month, and many continue to aim at goals they would like to accomplish by their senior year or after high school.

"I would like to be a programmer," Altai said, "I don't have any idea where I would become a programmer though. I want to get a college education, preferably at UT."

Anyone can become the Student of the Month as long as they're willing to input hard work and effort.

"Study, stop watching Youtube, and don't procrastinate," Altai advised to students who may be struggling in school. 

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