Thursday, April 14, 2016

Opinions writing preview activity

Story 1 - Apple refuses to violate privacy of users

1. The story was written by the Editorial

2. The story is about how the FBI wants Apple to create a program in which they could investigate the contents of the San Bernardino's shooters phone without unlocking it.

3. The author firmly believes that the FBI does not have the authority to ask this of Apple because the  FBI would  potentially be able to violate the privacy of anyone's phone with such a program.

"Although the phone could yield valuable information, we believe that the FBI is asking Apple for too much at the risk of all other iPhone owners."

4. The other side of the argument is (sort of) addressed. The author includes points contradicting to their own argument, but disregards or proves them wrong.

5. No. They made it very clear that their opinion would not be changed.

6. There are no quotes in the story.

7. The story was written in 3rd person.

Story 2 - Beyonce causes controversy

1. The story was written by Fuaad Ajaz

2. Ajaz writes about how Beyonce's recent music video, "Formation", and her performance during the Super Bowl halftime in which she tackles topics like police brutality and modern-day discrimination against minority groups has created controversy and outrage among some americans.

3. The writer believes that Beyonce is doing the right thing and that americans should not be outraged at Beyonce for expressing her opinion about topics that are serious and that she is entitled to discuss.

"But, for some reason, there was a noisy backlash against her expression of opinion. Apparently when someone points out that something unfair is happening to a to a minority group, and that person happens to be a popular black female artist, critics yelp when that someone states the obvious. Why?"

4. The author very briefly mentions what the other side of the controversy thought, but he barely regards them and drives the story with his opinion of the controversy.

5. No, he was not wishy-washy about his opinion and he held onto it firmly.

6. There are quotes included from lyrics from Beyonce's song, "Formation".

7. The story is written in 3rd person.

Story 3 - Is the AP World history test worth it?

1. The story was written by Mia Barbosa.

2. The story Barbosa wrote is about  how Bowie high school students have the opportunity to earn college credit by taking the AP World History test. She writes about the fee to take the tests, what the test contains, and the preparation that is offered to students who are wishing to take the test

3. Barbosa believes that the test is worth taking because of the possibility of earning college credit and because so much preparation is offered to students who are taking the test.

"I think that the test is a great way for students to get ahead in the competitive race for college."

"I think that more tests like this need to be offered to student so that way they can prepare for the future better and save money."

4. The author discusses both sides regarding the AP test, but she does not change her own opinion about the topic.

5. She was not wishy-washy.

6. There are no quotes in the story.

7. The story is written in 1st person.

Story 4 - Social media, back at it again

1. The story was written by Alicia Molina

2. Molina writes about a recent Snapchat story that has become famous on social media. "Damn Daniel" has taken a popular hit with many teens and has caught the attention of celebrities, including Ellen. 

3. The writer believes that the meme has become annoying in the weeks that it's been around, as many people are trying to imitate it themselves and repeatedly say it, however she expresses how she's glad that Josh and Daniel, the creators of the meme, are putting their fame to good use.

"...I would hear "Damn Daniel," from across the hall and it would bug me even more than the time before."

"I think that it's great that people are using their fame for good..."

4. Barbosa acknowledges that everyone else continued to find the meme funny even after some time had assed.

5. No, she was not wishy-washy, and she did not change her opinion.

6. The writer quoted a tweet that Daniel posted.

7. The story was written in 1st person.

Story 5 - Drug dog investigation have students feeling as though their rights are being violated at school

1. The story was written by Granger Coats.

2. Coats' story is about the controversial punishment that is given to student who possess marijuana (the controversy is that students who possess less than the amount of a felony offense (four or more ounces) are also being punished). Those who are punished are escorted home and sent to Disciplinary Alternative Education Program (DAEP) and possibly later to Alternative Learning Center (ALC).

3. Coats believes that the punishments are wrongfully causing students to bet behind on classwork, which will impact their understanding and education. She believes that the punishment should only be reserved for severe cases in which the student may cause harm to the school, others, or themselves. She believes that students feel intimidated and are having their rights violated.

"...I believe the DAEP should deb a punishment saved only for severe cases such as students considered a threat to the school, the well-being of the students, or themselves."

4. Barbosa regards both sides of the argument and she supports effective school security, but this does not change her opinion on the current system and regulations.

5. No, she was very firm about her opinion.

6. She quoted the AISD student code of conduct.

7. The story was written in 1st person.

   1. A hard news story recounts the events that happened in the recent past (yesterday, earlier in the week, the previous week, ect.) and provides solid facts about what happened. An opinion's piece briefly explains the situation and provides facts about it, but the writer can be more selective about the information they put in their story.
   2. The writer cannot take a stand or side in a hard news story. In an opinion's piece, the writer has the freedom to express their thoughts and side of the story.
   3. Hard news stories require quotations from people who were interviewed on the matter of the story. In an opinion story, the writer does not need to do this and can provide quotes if they would like to in order to back up their stand.

B. I think that there aren't many photo on this page because then photos might draw the attention away from the story. Photos are also often included to back up the story and to provide an image of the story's topic. An opinion's piece does not include many photos other than to complement it and show who the writer is, and because the focus should be on the piece itself, not the pictures that accompany it. 

C.  1. Should teachers give less homework? (My opinion on this is that teachers should reduce the amount of homework that they assign to students because the overloading amount of homework that students receive often cause them to stress out, lose sleep, and miss out on activities that they enjoy. Also, homework does not guarantee that 

   2. Should students be required to take a speech or debate class? (Yes, because taking a speech or debate class allows student to build communication skills that will help them later in life, to build writing and researching skills, and to become comfortable with talking in front of a large crowd. Occasionally, it may also also students to express their thoughts on the topic.)

   3. Do we really need endorsement plans? (No, because endorsement plans limit the type of classes that you can take and because many students feel as if they have less options in high school. Students should be allowed to take any class they want without having to worry if they're meeting the requirements of their endorsement plan. Many students have a Multidisciplinary endorsement plan, which is basically allowing students to take any class they want. The other endorsement plans should be eliminated because they only limit a student's options.)

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